Faith Christian School: A leading member of the Christian schools in Virginia.
Formation For Life: Better Prepared For College and Life
2023-2024 College Acceptances
Elon University
Furman University
James Madison University
King University
Liberty University
Northwestern University
Radford University
Randolph Macon College
Roanoke College
University of Alabama (Honors College)
University of Virginia
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Tech - College of Agricultural and Health Sciences
Virginia Tech - College of Engineering
Wheaton College
Faith Christian School Profile
Below is the FCS School Profile, often needed by colleges and universities.
CEEB: 471-934
Peter Baur, Head of School
Kristan Brown, Head of Divisions
JoAnn Kowtko, College Counseling
3585 Buck Mountain Road
Roanoke, Virginia 24018
PHN: 540.769.5200
FAX: 540.769.6030
Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic for the current high school classes: Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year and every year since, all students have been on campus, five days a week, observing all protocols of the Virginia Department of Health.
The mission of Faith Christian School is to provide a Christ-centered classical education of academic excellence, spiritual depth, and moral integrity which will prepare students for godly participation in their society and promote loyalty to God and country.
The rigorous and demanding curriculum is modeled after the classical trivium, consisting of three parts -- grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric—designed to equip students with the tools of learning, emphasizing training in sound reasoning, communication, and writing skills.
- Logic and Rhetoric: Students take full-year classes in Formal Logic and Formal Rhetoric and are expected to use their acquired logic and rhetoric skills throughout their study.
- Integration of Disciplines: The active and intentional integration of disciplines equips students to think across all areas of study.
- Classical and Modern Languages: Latin is required for students in grades 4-8, and Upper School students must choose between a Classical Track and a Modern Language Track.
- Academic Tracks: The majority of students pursue the Honors Level track. The Academic program is rigorous and comparable to other programs at an Honors Level. Our Honors courses are designated as such on the transcript.
- Advanced Placement: By design, the Advanced Placement curriculum is not taught. Classical pedagogy entails in-depth discussion of big ideas and essential questions that may be limited by the AP curriculum.
- Christian Mind: This course meets twice a week and examines a survey of worldviews in American culture, summarizing their basic beliefs and comparing them to the Christian worldview. This class requires robust discussion.
- Ranking: Faith Christian School does not rank students because our classes and so small and our students are all high-achieving.
The Senior Thesis requires seniors, in a one-to-one, year-long mentoring program with a faculty advisor, to expand critical thinking (logic,) research, and rhetorical abilities by preparing, presenting, and formally defending a substantive argument on a debatable topic. Students prepare a 10-16 page paper as formal evidence of learning. The thesis is then defended over a 15-minute period with questions from a faculty panel.
Students in grades ten through twelve, who achieve a minimum cumulative average of 3.5, as well as meet our strict qualifications regarding service, leadership, and character, are inducted into the Veritas Honor Society.
Founded in 1997, Faith Christian School now enrolls approximately 222 students in grades Junior K-12. In the past twenty-five years there have been 266 graduates, and most of our graduates matriculate at a four-year college or university. In the Upper School, the student-faculty ratio is 10:1 and the average class size is ten.
(unweighted – 4.0 scale)
A 94-100 (4.0) A- 90-93 (3.7) B+ 87-89 (3.3) B 84-86 (3.0)
B- 80-83 (2.7) C+ 77-79 (2.3) C 74-76 (2.0) C- 70-73 (1.7) F 0-69
Highest-level core courses are in bold italics. (H) Indicates honors classes. (Most of the courses taught at Faith Christian School are taught at the honors level.)
Total minimum of 21 core units + 5.25 additional for a total of 26.25 credits.
- Student Government Association (SGA)
- Hi Y (and Model General Assembly - MGA)
- Veritas Honor Society
- Debate Club
- Ministerium
- Sodalitas (Latin Club)
- La Mesa (Spanish Club)
- Fides Club (Conducts Chapels)
- Chess Club
- Accredited by the Association for Classical Christian Schools (ACCS)
- The Society for Classical Learning (SCL) (memberships held by individual faculty, administration, and staff)
- Educational Record Bureau (ERB)
- Virginia Council of Private Education (VCPE)
- Virginia Association of Christian Athletics (VACA)
3585 Buck Mountain Road, Roanoke, VA 24018
Phone: 540.769.5200 | Admissions Email: cweber@fcsva.com
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