We agree—we see God's masterpiece.
Faith Christian School's distinctly Christian and classical education brings together different elements to form students, lifelong learners, leaders, and lovers of Christ. This is not just something we say. We live it. And our students prove it.
From the Notre Dame University Research Center:
The graphs and statistics below show how classical Christian educated students outperform their peers in every other type of education including homeschool, private, Evangelical, Catholic, and public. The study was conducted by the prestigious research center at Notre Dame University and examines the many important aspects of a successful, fulfilled life.
We've also inserted a bar to show how Faith Christian School graduates perform in comparison.
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Prepared For College
As post-college adults, almost 90% of graduates from Christian classical schools across the nation believe they were well prepared for college.
In our own recent survey, 83% of Faith Christian School alumni said they were DEFINITELY well-prepared and an additional 15% said they were mostly well-prepared.
- 100% of FCS graduates are accepted into college and many have received scholarships.
- FCS students SAT scores are typically +200 points higher than local, state, and national averages.
- FCS average test scores have been among the top in the Roanoke region.
Did Well In College
As post-college graduates, just over 50% of classical Christian-educated alumni across the nation maintained a 3.5 GPA or higher in their higher education programs.
In our own recent study, 63% of Faith Christian School alumni reported maintaining a 3.5 or higher. Some respondents had not yet finished their college careers and were reporting GPA to-date.

Completed College & Higher Programs Of Study
As post-college adults, almost 90% of classical Christian-educated alumni completed a B.A. or higher.
In our own recent survey, 73% of Faith Christian School alumni have completed a B.A. and are either in or have completed higher degrees. The lightly shaded red portion of the bar graph shows the additional 25% of FCS alumni who are in a B.A. program at this time and what our data will be if the data continues along current lines.
63% of FCS Alumni have completed their Bachelor's or higher.
30% of FCS Alumni have entered or completed a Master's program or higher.
- 5% of FCS Alumni have entered or completed a Doctoral program.
Prepared For A Career
As post-college graduates, a little over 70% of classical Christian-educated alumni across the nation felt prepared for their career.
In our own recent study, 58% of Faith Christian School alumni felt "definitely prepared" for their job/career and an additional 38% felt "somewhat prepared." Since many FCS alumni are not yet finished with their college education, we've added the blue shaded portion to the graph to show what our data would be if the numbers continue to follow the same patters as current data.
Career-preparedness comes not just from higher education but from foundations laid early in education such as ability to diagnose the problem, articulate the problem, recruit a team to solve the problem, and adapt to solve the problem.

Feel Grateful
As post-college adults, almost 80% of classical Christian-educated alumni feel they have much in life for which to be thankful.
In our own recent survey, 100% of Faith Christian School alumni expressed that they have much in life for which to be thankful.
Gratefulness has been shown to have one of the highest impacts on emotional well-being and physical health. Gratefulness is foundational to building healthy relationship, outlook on life, as well as developing "grit" and determination. Those who maintain a grateful, thankful attitude do better in all aspects of life.
Feel Equipped, Not Helpless
As post-college graduates, 80% of classical Christian-educated alumni across the nation felt equipped to deal with life's problems while a little under 20% of classical Christian-educated alumni across the nation said they felt helpless when dealing with life's problems (shown in graph).
In our own recent study, 89% of Faith Christian School alumni did not feel helpless while the remaining 11% said they felt helpless—a lower percentage than compared to even their Classical Christian peers.
The process of solving problems—any problems—is embedded in the classical Christian education model. Additionally, the classical Christian education model provides a structure for building a God-centered worldview that is practical yet retains the wonder we should all feel toward God's creation. This combination prepares students to tackle any problem they face.

Accomplish Great Things
As post-college adults, over 80% of classical Christian-educated alumni have clear goals and/or a sense of direction while less than 20% of classical Christian-education alumni felt their lives often lack clear goals or a sense of direction.
In our own recent survey, 63% of Faith Christian School alumni felt their lives did NOT lack clear goals and/or sense of direction while 9% did feel their lives lacked clear goals or a sense of direction—performing better than even their Classical Christian peers.
The ability to set and reach clear goals or to maintain a sense of direction allows graduates to accomplish great things, leading to fulfilling lives.
Develop Deep Relationships
As post-college graduates, nearly 90% of classical Christian-educated alumni reported more close friends post graduation than the national median of 2-3 close friends.
In our own recent study, 84% of Faith Christian School alumni reported more close friends than the median. An additional 16% reported the median 2-3 close friends. Additionally, 58% of Faith Christian School alumni reported they maintained at least 2 close friends from their middle and upper school cohorts.
Classical Christian alumni have an extensive network of close friends on which to depend. Having close friends has been proven to increase both longevity and life-satisfaction, overall improving physical health and mental health.


Christian Classical Is The Differentiator
As you can see from the research, Christian classical alumni are better prepared for college and for life, outperforming their peers in all categories. This proven method of education has launched some of the greatest minds Western Civilization has known.
At Faith Christian School, we're dedicated to utilizing classical Christian methods to better prepare our students to succeed in college, engage culture, and lead fulfilled lives as they pursue God's purposes.
We invite you to see the difference Christian classical education makes every day.

3585 Buck Mountain Road, Roanoke, VA 24018
Phone: 540.769.5200 | Admissions Email: cweber@fcsva.com
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