Christian, Classical Education...
There are so many facets to this thing we call Christian, classical education. How do we unpack it? How do we describe it to others in the Roanoke Valley? How do we demonstrate its significance in the lives of Faith Christian School students and their families?
As the Director of Admissions, I have the joy of introducing many families not only to our unique model of education but also to the men and women who will come alongside your children and teach them, pray with them, mentor them, and love them. There are so many distinctive components of our school—far too many to share in a short tour. It is my hope that our blog, written by our faculty, administration, board, students, and parents, will provide a deeper look into our model of education, our traditions, and student life. I invite you to come along for a journey through Faith. Our goal is to post a couple of times a month, so please check back periodically to gain a greater insight into Faith Christian School.
- Cathi Weber, Director of Admissions
Penmanship and cursive handwriting are still vital to education because it improves students’ fine motor skills, writing speed, retention of material learned, and self-discipline. Writing in cursive helps improve neural connections between the right and left sides of the brain and can create new neural pathways.
Gala is about good food, lots of laughter, and more than a few tears of heartfelt nostalgia and joy. When the evening concludes with a heartfelt toast and benediction, seniors continue through their last month of exams, senior trip, and graduation, knowing they are loved and prepared to face the challenges of the coming years.
Engaging with each other with the goal of greater understanding—a classical concept that motivated C.S. Lewis and the famous Inklings.
Brynn Sowder, Librarian and Nature Studies Teacher shares how she learned about Intellectual Hospitality in England but discovered it was already present in the culture at Faith Christian School.
Memorized pieces at their best are learned for the heart and soul of students and said aloud for the glory of God.
Starting with JK, students stand in front of peers and parents and recite poems, scripture, and jingles for recitation chapel. This, along with classroom reports and discussions, helps prepare students for thesis and beyond. Thesis may take place in the twelfth grade, but preparation begins in JK.
Not an extracurricular at a Faith Christian School, but Visual Arts is an integral part of enabling students to learn to hear, understand, and speak God’s visual language with proficiency.
At Faith Christian School, visual art is not “extra-curricular.” It's a core area of study for our students, helping us tap into the “whole” person, not just the mind.
Math allows us to think in new ways and respond when confronted with complicated situations.
We teach mathematics from a Christian perspective: we observe a unique design woven into creation by the ultimate Designer. Rather than wasting time memorizing steps which will only lead to frustration and confusion, students understand a concept and apply prior knowledge as a strategy to solve problems.
Starting in Kindergarten, students ascend to the pinnacle of a classical education: the Senior Thesis presentation and defense.
One step at a time, starting in kindergarten, students ascend to the pinnacle of a classical education: the Senior Thesis presentation and defense, which inspires confidence and prepares for other challenging ascents ahead.
And why Rhetoric really IS the most important class our students will ever take. (According to Mr. Mann.)
Rhetoric, as a classical educational course, develops confidence and competence in public speaking as well as provides an opportunity for students to learn time-tested categories for unpacking and organizing truth.
Developing the God-given curiosity and inquisitiveness naturally found in children by asking good questions.
The intentional use of the Five Common Topics leads to deep and thought-provoking conversations and provides students with endless opportunities to think and reason on their own—one of the goals of a Classical education.
More on the the skill of Slow Looking and why it's an important part of Classical education.
In Classical education, Slow Looking is more than a skill for art class. It develops the process that prepares students for deeply and thoroughly understanding whatever they are faced with, exploring solutions, and solving problems.
We explore the building blocks of reading and spelling and the way classical education builds life-long readers.
In classical education, phonograms provide a clear-cut, sequential, multi-sensory approach to learning to read. This primary component of a comprehensive phonics program makes learning the English language simple and effective.
Every educational method has at least one end goal. What is the goal of Classical Christian Education?
At Faith Christian School, student support is handled by teachers, staff, and parents who deeply know and understand each student's unique needs. Together, student support seeks to move every student towards independence and success in the classroom, which better prepares them for life.
Holding a mirror up to readers to help them consider the human experience in all its forms and settings.
In this blog, we explore the reasons we emphasize good literature—classical literature—and our teachers provide the tools needed for students to read deeply and carefully, mining good literature for the treasures they contain.
Helping students develop and integrate their body systems to better focus academically as well as in sports.
In this blog by India Delp, our PE instructor, you'll learn more about Motor Lab, a program offered at Faith Christian School to help students to develop and integrate their body systems to better focus academically as well as in sports.
The Classical (And Fun!) Way To Produce Lasing Record In The Brain.
How can we ensure information sticks with students much longer than the time it takes them to complete the assessment? The answer is narration, which asks the student to remember all the details of the story and communicate them aloud.
How Math & Science Point Us To God
How Volunteering at School Benefits Everyone
The Benefits of Good Penmanship and Cursive Writing
The Young Peacemaker - A Plan for Solving Classroom Conflict
Music Within The Context of a Christian Classical Education
Skills & Training Through Works
The Goal of Classical Christian Ed
Gala is about good food, lots of laughter, and more than a few tears of heartfelt nostalgia and joy. When the evening concludes with a heartfelt toast and benediction, seniors continue through their last month of exams, senior trip, and graduation, knowing they are loved and prepared to face the challenges of the coming years.
Engaging with each other with the goal of greater understanding—a classical concept that motivated C.S. Lewis and the famous Inklings.
Brynn Sowder, Librarian and Nature Studies Teacher shares how she learned about Intellectual Hospitality in England but discovered it was already present in the culture at Faith Christian School.
Memorized pieces at their best are learned for the heart and soul of students and said aloud for the glory of God.
Starting with JK, students stand in front of peers and parents and recite poems, scripture, and jingles for recitation chapel. This, along with classroom reports and discussions, helps prepare students for thesis and beyond. Thesis may take place in the twelfth grade, but preparation begins in JK.
Not an extracurricular at a Faith Christian School, but Visual Arts is an integral part of enabling students to learn to hear, understand, and speak God’s visual language with proficiency.
At Faith Christian School, visual art is not “extra-curricular.” It's a core area of study for our students, helping us tap into the “whole” person, not just the mind.
Math allows us to think in new ways and respond when confronted with complicated situations.
We teach mathematics from a Christian perspective: we observe a unique design woven into creation by the ultimate Designer. Rather than wasting time memorizing steps which will only lead to frustration and confusion, students understand a concept and apply prior knowledge as a strategy to solve problems.
Starting in Kindergarten, students ascend to the pinnacle of a classical education: the Senior Thesis presentation and defense.
One step at a time, starting in kindergarten, students ascend to the pinnacle of a classical education: the Senior Thesis presentation and defense, which inspires confidence and prepares for other challenging ascents ahead.
And why Rhetoric really IS the most important class our students will ever take. (According to Mr. Mann.)
Rhetoric, as a classical educational course, develops confidence and competence in public speaking as well as provides an opportunity for students to learn time-tested categories for unpacking and organizing truth.
Developing the God-given curiosity and inquisitiveness naturally found in children by asking good questions.
The intentional use of the Five Common Topics leads to deep and thought-provoking conversations and provides students with endless opportunities to think and reason on their own—one of the goals of a Classical education.
More on the the skill of Slow Looking and why it's an important part of Classical education.
In Classical education, Slow Looking is more than a skill for art class. It develops the process that prepares students for deeply and thoroughly understanding whatever they are faced with, exploring solutions, and solving problems.
We explore the building blocks of reading and spelling and the way classical education builds life-long readers.
In classical education, phonograms provide a clear-cut, sequential, multi-sensory approach to learning to read. This primary component of a comprehensive phonics program makes learning the English language simple and effective.
Every educational method has at least one end goal. What is the goal of Classical Christian Education?
At Faith Christian School, student support is handled by teachers, staff, and parents who deeply know and understand each student's unique needs. Together, student support seeks to move every student towards independence and success in the classroom, which better prepares them for life.
Holding a mirror up to readers to help them consider the human experience in all its forms and settings.
In this blog, we explore the reasons we emphasize good literature—classical literature—and our teachers provide the tools needed for students to read deeply and carefully, mining good literature for the treasures they contain.
Helping students develop and integrate their body systems to better focus academically as well as in sports.
In this blog by India Delp, our PE instructor, you'll learn more about Motor Lab, a program offered at Faith Christian School to help students to develop and integrate their body systems to better focus academically as well as in sports.
The Classical (And Fun!) Way To Produce Lasing Record In The Brain.
How can we ensure information sticks with students much longer than the time it takes them to complete the assessment? The answer is narration, which asks the student to remember all the details of the story and communicate them aloud.
3585 Buck Mountain Road, Roanoke, VA 24018
Phone: 540.769.5200 | Admissions Email:
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